We provide large scale spatial data sets (SEDR) management for municipalities.
Purpose. During the project, spatial data of large scale topographic plans and engineering communications plans shall be converted and managed according to the established requirements.
The municipal spatial data set (SEDR) shall consist of spatial data of land surface objects managed by the municipality, buildings located in the territory of the municipality and inlets of engineering networks managed by other persons. All spatial objects have their own numerical codes describing which class of objects and sub-classes they belong to, as well as describing the unique properties of the spatial objects. The SEDR is compiled and updated using data sets of spatial objects of the municipal area at scale 1: 500-1: 2000 (before and after construction) and engineering network plans submitted to municipality for approval. The SEDR data structure requirements are set by the "Specification of the Municipal Spatial Data Set" approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. Topographic plans and engineering communications network plans approved by the municipality is managed and integrated into the municipal spatial data set in accordance with the “Description of the Management of the Municipality Spatial Data Set”. SEDR is compiled and transmitted in ESRI formats. An updated municipal spatial data set is provided once a month to the Lithuanian Spatial Data Portal.
Customer. Municipalities
Spatial data management automation
Project " Creating Map Digital Press File Technology"
Objective of the project: To create automated technologies for updating topographic military maps at scales 1: 20,000, 1: 100,000 and 1: 250,000.
Description of the project. During the project, automated generalization technologies have been developed to save time and costs for map creation and updating. The project covers the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. The topographic maps in the WGS-84 coordinate system at scale 1: 100 000, 1: 250 000 and 6 city graphics 1:10 000, 1:20 000 digital printing files was created by using our automated generalization models (MapGEN technology).
Spatial data and maps corresponding to the Multinational Geospatial Co-Production Program (MGCP) and other requirements was generated using the developed technologies. Automated spatial data generalization models are designed so that run automatically without user intervention. The location of the source data, intermediate results and final results, different other parameters are determinable by user. ESRI's GIS technology platform is used to create data management models.
Customer. Military Mapping Center of Lithuania
Remote sensing and related services
Project "Identification of clear-cut forest areas in the territory of Lithuania using remote sensing methods"
Description of the project. According to the agreement with the State Forest Service, “Via GIS” performed the identification of clear-cutting areas in the country's forests in 2019 using information collected by remote sensing methods. The main initial data for the identification of clear-cutting were the Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar data and Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite imagery for January 2019 and 2020. The project is unique in that, for the first time in forestry practice, data on logging in the country, their location, the area and configuration of the felled stock were collected not by traditional ground measurements but by decoding satellites imagery.
Until now, the specialists of the State Forest Service could determine the boundaries of deforestation only by actually inspecting the felling sites on site. In this respect, one of the more important results of the work is the establishment of actual geographical boundaries for clear cuttings carried out in 2019, which enabled the customer to gather useful information on specific felling across the country's territory quite expeditiously, without creating an additional administrative burden for forest owners.
As a result of the project work, a GIS database of clear-cut forest areas in 2019 was created. It was estimated that during 2019 at the national level the area of clear-cut forest was 15 631 ha (which corresponds to ~ 0.71% of the total forest land or ~ 0.75% of the stand area), the number of felling cases was 9 516. According to forest ownership, 56 percent identified cutting sites were identified in state forests and 44 percent in private forests.
By remote sensing methods identified polygons of forest clear-cuts in 2019 are publicly available on the forest map (MGIS) on the website of the State Forest Service (
The project, completed by Via GIS in 2020, confirmed that the use of remote sensing methods is an effective way to monitor clear-cutting and assess various changes in forest cover.
Customer. State Forest Service of Lithuania.
Project "Quality control of aerial photography and orthophotographic maps of the Republic of Lithuania"
Objective of the project. Ensure quality control of aerial photography and production of orthophotographic maps.
Description of the project. The orthophotographic maps of Lithuania ORT10LT at scale 1: 10 000 are updated over a period of three years. During the period of 2018 - 2020 under the agreement with the National Land Service, aerial photography and orthophotographic mapping works are carried out by a Ukrainian company. "Via GIS" control these works together with our partner from Poland. We control the production submitted by the producer to the National Land Service. Control carried out to the technical requirements for aerial photography and orthophotographic maps.
Progress of the project.
Stage I of the project was finished in 2018
Stage II of the project was finished in 2019.
Stage III of the project was finished in 2020.
Customer. National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture.
Project "Creation of digital raster orthophotographic map of county centers of the Republic of Lithuania"
Objective of the project to crate large scale (1:2000) ortophotographic maps ORT2LT
Description of the project. In 2018, together with our partner Opegieka (Poland), we updated the large-scale orthophotographic maps of the county centers of the Republic of Lithuania. A total of 2529 map sheets at scale 1: 2,000 were produced. The size of the orthophotographic map grid does not exceed 10x10 cm. Absolute accuracy of clearly visible ground points in orthophotographic maps (average square error RMSE) is less than 0.2 m. Created maps are a real color (RGB) spectrum. Aerial photography of 2017 are used for production these orthophotographic maps.
Customer. National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture.